Solving real-life complex problems using mathematics
The event will be an interactive workshop, where participants will work with experienced mathematicians and scientists on three specific challenges with a highly mathematical content, from innovative industries such as:
- Complex energy systems: Use of storage and demand response in balancing electricity networks
- Cyber-security for connected and automated vehicles: Data poisoning in machine learning algorithms and
- Agri-tech: Efficient calculation of set partitions for optimal scheduling of crops in agriculture
Full description of problems and additional relevant materials will be provided to registered participants.
Each problem will be addressed by a project team under the guide of an experienced workshop leader. You will be guided to formulate a high-level mathematical description of the problem and a project plan showing the main approach and the pathway to a viable solution.
The workshop leaders will share their valuable experience, each gained from a different perspective:
- Andrei Bejan (Senior Researcher, Origami Energy) is a mathematician, formerly an academic, now working in industry
- Stan Zachary (Heriott Watt University) is a mathematician with a long-standing experience of working with the energy industry
- Darren Handley (Lead Cyber-Security, Connected and automated vehicles, Department for Transport) is a senior scientist, working in the R&D in the UK government, together with mathematicians to solve some highly mathematical problems.
By taking part in this workshop you will gain valuable insight about:
- Working as a mathematician in industry or academia in collaboration with industry
- Working in a project team to create and deliver a solution beyond the theory
- Presenting to a client/funding panel and defending the proposed solution.
In preparation for the workshop, each participant will be provided with detailed information about each problem, followed by a one-to-one session with the organisers to discuss the topics in detail.
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To register follow this link
This event is part of series of events. The registration is now closed.
Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London, Huxley Building, Kensington, London
Date: 7 December 2018
Next event: TBA.